How Can I Relieve My Anxiety At The Dentist?
Oral Conscious Sedation
Oral Conscious Sedation is a safe technique that we offer in our office. It does not involve needles or IVs. Under our supervision, the patient orally takes a pill that helps put them in a deeply relaxed state. While the patient can respond to verbal cues and is conscious, they likely will remember little – if any – of their procedure. The patient must have a friend or family member drive them home after the visit, as the medication may take several hours to wear off.
Inhalation Sedation
Inhalation Sedation is the usage of nitrous oxide, which most people know as “laughing gas.” Laughing gas is inhaled by placing a comfortable rubber nose on the patient. They can inhale the gas to achieve a relaxed and conscious state. While laughing gas helps make you feel at ease, it does not cloud your memory of the procedure and you can safely drive home after your visit.