Oral conscious sedation is a dental anxiety solution that comfortably allows our patients to receive necessary dental care. OCS is a drug-induced state of reduced awareness and decreased ability to respond, which helps reduce fear and anxiety. The patient will be able to respond during the procedure however, the ability to respond normally returns when the effects of OCS wear off, making it an ideal dental anxiety solution.
Patients ask us frequently about our recommended dental anxiety solution for patients with a true fear of the dentist, and this is a great way to get the care you need without added fear. Below we share the steps necessary to receive OCS, a dental anxiety solution.
Steps of OCS include:
- Take any medication prescribed by your doctor prior to appointment as directed.
- Patient must have a driver drive them to their appointment and home from their appointment.
- Once patient is seated, necessary oral sedation medication will be administered and placed under the patient’s tongue.
Information to know before OCS:
- No food or water (except water with medication) for six hours prior to appointment
- No sedatives for 24 hours before/after (other than night medications prescribed by dentist)
- No stimulants for 12 hours before/after
- No chance of pregnancy
- No sensitivities to Benzodiazepines, Hydroxyzine, Zaleplon
- Must have responsible person bring and take patient home from appointment
Information to know following OCS:
- No driving for 24 hours after OCS
- No operating hazardous devices
- No heavy lifting
- No stairs
- No important decisions
For more information about oral conscious sedation, sedation dentistry, and a dental anxiety solution, call our office at 205-699-2551. We see patients from all over, including Leeds, Moody, Trussville, Pell City, Springville, Odenville, Sylacauga, Anniston, and beyond. Give us a call today! 205-699-2551.